A component for displaying a list of interactive items, with support for keyboard navigation, single or multiple selection, and row actions.
A SelectList
consists of a container element, with rows of data inside. The rows within a list may contain focusable elements or plain text content. If the list supports row selection, each row includes a selection checkbox.
can be used to select multiple items from a list simultaneously. It provides a familiar interface where users can select multiple items.
import { SelectList } from '@marigold/components';
Property | Type | Default | Description |
download | string | boolean | undefined | none | Causes the browser to download the linked URL. A string may be provided to suggest a file name. |
href | string | undefined | none | A URL to link to. |
ping | string | undefined | none | A space-separated list of URLs to ping when the link is followed. |
textValue | string | undefined | none | A string representation of the item's contents, used for features like typeahead. |
onScroll | (e: React.UIEvent<HTMLDivElement, UIEvent>) => void | none | Handler that is called when a user scrolls. |
renderEmptyState | (props: GridListRenderProps) => React.ReactNode | none | Provides content to display when there are no items in the list. |
Property | Type | Default | Description |
dependencies | any[] | undefined | none | Values that should invalidate the item cache when using dynamic collections. |
disabledBehavior | DisabledBehavior | undefined | none | Whether disabledKeys applies to all interactions, or only selection. |
disallowEmptySelection | boolean | undefined | false | Whether the collection allows empty selection. |
dragAndDropHooks | DragAndDropHooks | undefined | none | The drag and drop hooks returned by useDragAndDrop used to enable drag and drop behavior for the GridList. |
items | Iterable<object> | undefined | none | Item objects in the collection. |
selectedKeys | "all" | Iterable<Key> | undefined | none | The currently selected keys in the collection (controlled). |
selectionMode | "multiple" | "none" | "single" | undefined | none | The type of selection that is allowed in the collection. |
selectionBehavior | "replace" | "toggle" | undefined | none | How multiple selection should behave in the collection. |
slot | string | null | undefined | none | A slot name for the component. Slots allow the component to receive props from a parent component. An explicit null value indicates that the local props completely override all props received from a parent. |
ref | Ref<HTMLUListElement> | undefined | full | Allows getting a ref to the component instance. Once the component unmounts, React will set ref.current to null (or call the ref with null if you passed a callback ref). |
onAction | (key: Key) => void | none | Handler that is called when a user performs an action on an item. The exact user event depends on the collection's selectionBehavior prop and the interaction modality. |
onSelectionChange | (key: Key) => any | none | Handler that is called when the selection changes. |
onScroll | (e: React.UIEvent<HTMLDivElement, UIEvent>) => void | none | Handler that is called when a user scrolls. |
renderEmptyState | (props: GridListRenderProps) => React.ReactNode | none | Provides content to display when there are no items in the list. |
Standard SelectList
This example shows the standard appearance for SelectList
Ticket 123
Ticket 456
Ticket 789
Ticket 012
SelectList with single selection mode
Credit Card
Debit Card
Bank Transfer
SelectList with multiple selection mode