
Component used to pick date value .

The <DatePicker> component is a user interface element that allows users to select a date from a calendar.

The typical practice is to provide a date picker and when you click on date picker button it pops up a calendar below the date picker, allowing the user to populate the field with an appropriate date.


import { DatePicker } from '@marigold/components';


Sorry! There are currently no variants and sizes available.


labelReactNodenoneThe label text.
descriptionReactNodenoneA helpful text.
errorMessageReactNodenoneAn error message.
errorbooleanfalseIf `true`, the field is considered invalid and if set the errorMessage is shown instead of the `description`.
defaultValueDateValuenoneThe default value of the date picker.
valueDateValuenoneThe value of the date picker.
disabledbooleanfalseIf `true`, the date picker is disabled.
requiredbooleanfalseIf `true`, the date picker is required.
readOnlybooleanfalseIf `true`, the date picker is readOnly.
onChangefunctionnoneA callback function that is called with the date picker's current value changes
openbooleanfalseWhether the calendar is open by default (controlled).
minValueDateValuenoneThe minimum allowed date that a user may select.
maxValueDateValuenoneThe maximum allowed date that a user may select.
widthstringfullSets the width of the field. You can see allowed tokens here:
isDateUnavailable(date: DateValue) => booleannoneCallback that is called for each date of the calendar. If it returns true, then the date is unavailable.
granularity"day" | "hour" | "minute" | "second""day"Determines the smallest unit that is displayed in the date picker. By default, this is "day" for dates, and "minute" for times.


Simple (uncontrolled)

This example shows a regular <DatePicker> without any special props.



You can disable the <DatePicker> so that the user can't interact with it anymo re.

Birth Date
disabled date picker


If you want a <DatePicker> to be required, you just have to add the property required. With that the small required icon appears next to the label.

Birth Date

With an Error

This example shows how to use the error with the errorMessage.

Birth Date
Something went wrong!

DatePicker with min/max Values

The minValue and maxValue props can also be used to perform builtin validation. This prevents the user from selecting dates outside the valid range in the calendar .

Date Picker
Determine min and max value for date picker


The value and onChange props can be used to control the DatePicker.


Using a Date Object

When using a datepicker, relying on the standard JavaScript Date object for its value can result in timezone inconsistencies and incorrect date display. That's why the datepicker uses a specific DateValue type from @internationalized/date instead. This library handles correct international date manipulation across calendars, time zones, and other localization concerns.


@internationalized/date is a peer dependency. If it's not already in your project, you'll need to install it.

The simplest way to parse a Date for the datepicker is by using parseAbsoluteToLocal. This function converts an absolute date and time into the current user's local time zone. If you're already using a date library like date-fns, you can also utilizing parseDate. Ensure that you only pass the date part to parseDate, excluding the time and timezone information.
